Buying Your Home
Choosing the Right Home
Now that you've decided to buy a home, it's time to consider the many financial and personal decisions to be made before making a formal offer.
The important thing is that you make the decision that's right for you. The property you eventually buy is more than just an investment - it's going to be your home, your own piece of the neighbourhood. So don't rush into it. Take the time to investigate all the options.
At Évangéline-Central Credit Union, we don't want you to settle for something that's merely 'good enough.' Let us help you with the many difficult decisions ahead so that when you sign your name to an offer it's with the confidence that you've made the best choice possible.
Financial Considerations
By looking at your current financial situation, you can determine the price range of homes available to you. You may want to consider applying for a pre-approved mortgage. Pre-approval will not only define the price range of homes you can look at, but will also save you from having to make conditional purchase offers to potential vendors.
Personal Considerations
When looking at potential homes, take the time to consider all of the factors that are important to you. It may be a good idea to make a list of 'must haves' as well as a list of things that would be nice if they were available.
Obviously you'll need to consider the physical layout and soundness of the structure and the property itself, but also consider things like the location and the neighbourhood. Make sure to investigate whether municipal or regional authorities are planning changes to civic code, zoning or by-laws that may affect the value or nature of the property in the future.
You may find it helpful at this stage to have a real estate agent keep you informed about these and other factors that might influence your decision. In any case, remember to take your time when buying a home. It's better to wait a little longer for the home you want, rather than end up with a mortgage for a home you aren't truly happy with.